Social contributions & Partnerships


SASTINABLE ACTION 09 Delivering Japanese Festivals to the world!



“Matsuri”, which means festival in Japanese, is an intricate part of traditional Japanese culture. However this important piece of culture was almost lost due to the declining birth rate and aging population. It was for this reason that we decides to pass it on to the rest of the world as a way of preserving it for the future. Japanese festivals are born and handed down and always incorporate the four seasons. For instances in the spring we pray for a good harvest, in the summer we pray for the prevention of disease, in autumn we give thanks for the harvest, and in the winter we celebrate the new year and welcome a new spring. Happo-en has planned and managed an event called “Matsuri Japan” since August 2018.

Due to its popularity this event become a major annual event that brings festival groups from all over Japan to Happo-en. This particular event is a mixing pot of dances and musical performances passed down from one generation to another and provides an exchange of energy and spirit to all. This event also features unique traditional attractions such as shooting games, yo-yo fishing games as well as food stalls. The food stalls use ingredients from different regions. By letting people from Japan and abroad experience the culture associated with Japanese “Matsuri” through this type of event, we can not only put a new spin on culture but we can promote tourism by encouraging everyone to visit the various areas we introduce.

[IWATE] Yamada Sakai Toramai Preservation Society
[Tokyo] NPO Tokyo Koenji Awa Dance Promotion Association
[Tokyo] Dance Performance Group Sako -HAKU-
[Tokyo] Bon Odori Dance (Tousen style)
[Saitama] Asaka Naruko Yuwakai Dance Troupe
[Tottori] Inaba Umbrella Dance Group・[Shimane] Iwami Kagura Tokyo Shrine
[Fukuoka] Hyuga Hyottoko Summer Festival Group
[Kagoshima]Mishima Village Djembe Group・[Okinawa] Nankuru Eisa Group
[Okinawa] Ryukyukoku Drum Festival Group・D JKEIZO machine! etc.