News & Eventニュースとイベント

HAPPO-EN MICE LETTER April 2, 2018 Vol.0093



Our Cherry Blossom Viewing Events at Happo-en, Tokyo,
and at the Gardens by the Bay, Singapore – Now in Progress!



On March 30, the “Sakura Japan” event started. Many attendees have visited our portable teahouse “Mujyoan” for the Japanese culture experience. “Mujyoan,” which was made by craftworkers in Okawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, is a hot spot at the event.

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Happo-en provides our “Origami” and “Tea Ceremony” experiences on the tatami mats at “Mujyoan.” And our “Hanayome-goryo” procession attracts a lot of interest from the attendees. This event will conclude on April 8, so we are looking forward to seeing you by then.



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At the same time at Happo-en in Japan, we hosted our cherry blossom festival, “Edo (Tokyo) Food Stalls on Parade 2018” on March 29 and 30, which had over 300 guests each day. We appreciated it, and we believe that they had a great cherry blossom viewing experience under the lit-up cherry trees while:
– tasting some excellent locally-brewed sake from Tokyo
– enjoying matcha green tea
– dancing with the Tokyo Koen-ji Awa Odori dance team

This event was broadcasted live to Singapore.




Happo-en’s cherry blossom festivals in Tokyo and in Singapore are far from over. Please come and enjoy!


「Spring Festival 粋」





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